IA Parent News and Notifications

New AFTER SCHOOL MUSIC enrichment classes starting in 2017

MILLER MUSIC BAND, STRINGS AND UKULELE AT INNOVATIONS! TO SIGN UP EMAIL PAM AT MUSICACADEMYSD@GMAIL.COM No experience required! Classes are held once a week! SIGN UP DEADLINE FOR CLASS is Sunday, January 8th, 2017 EMAIL to attend a free INSTRUMENT SAMPLING on January 5th at Innovations Academy  Your child picks one instrument out of the […]

Weekly Info 12/4-12/10

CELL PHONE USE Please have a conversation with your child(ren) about the contact they have with you during the school day via their cell phones and respect school policy as well as teach them restraint when it comes to their phones. Receiving texts from parents during school hours is as disruptive as receiving texts from […]

Weekly Info 11/27-12/03

WELCOME BACK EXHIBITION NIGHT Exhibition Night, our spectacular showcase of project work from this year, will take place Thursday, December 15th  from 5:00-7:30 p.m. One goal for this year is for each child to have at least one caregiver come to see their work. Help us make that happen by creating plans right now to […]

Weekly News 11/13-11/19

I hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend. Remember, this is the last week before Thanksgiving vacation. Fundraisers and Donations Needed Monday Nov. 14th our 6th graders will be out front after school taking orders for Jamba Juice BOGO cards!  This Buy One Get One Free card is valued at $40 and is yours for […]

Weekly Info 11/6-11/13

NO SCHOOL this Friday, Nov. 11th for Veteran’s Day.  Please vote. It is important that our children learn the importance of voting through modeling and discussion. I hope you take the time, as the primary educator of your own children, to share with them your feelings about the actions you take. OUR MPR will be a […]

Weekly Info 10/30-11/6

HALLOWEEN Tomorrow is Halloween. Children are welcome to wear costumes but please leave masks and weapons home. Have fun and be safe on Halloween. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Since our school MPR is being used as a polling place we are in need of volunteers for short shifts to keep our students safe and apart from voters. […]

Weekly Info 10/23-10/30

Good Evening IA Families, This is Christine with the news for the week, PLEDGE DRIVE And the winner of the pledge drive raffle of a FLIP FORCE BIRTHDAY PARTY is Talan Starne of the 4th grade. Congratulations! In the long run we will all win because by the end of the year we are determined […]

Weekly Info 10/16-10/22

Good Evening IA Families, This is Christine with the news for the week, PLEDGE DRIVE PROGRESS We are making progress towards reaching 100% participation, meaning every family gives some amount, however large or small, towards the purchase of a school bus for our field study experiences. Any amount between $1 or $1,000,000 will qualify to […]

Weekly Info 10/9-10/15

Welcome to Student Led Conference week at IA, STUDENT LED CONFERENCES This week all parents should be scheduled to attend their child’s SLC. If you have not yet signed up, please do so immediately using the information in the teacher weekly email. We expect 100% parent participation in this event. PLEDGE DRIVE For all of […]

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