Weekly News, Dec.15-19

See Innovations Academy on the Empty Bowl Website This is part of our Exhibition Night 1. The Book Fair is here! Each class will be attending the book fair this week. Here are the times: Book Fair Schedule Monday 9:30    – 7th/8th – Wes, Tony, Jennie, Lisa 10:30 – 6th Michael, Albert 11:30 – Emily 12:30 – Bill Tuesday  9:30  – Michelle […]

Weekly News, Dec. 8-13, 2013

Good Evening Innovations Families, Innovations Academy Exhibition Night is Thursday, Dec. 19th from 5-8. If you haven’t yet done so, please mark your calendar. It is an important presentation for our students and we expect 100% attendance. Here is an informative article the appeared in the HP regarding the US status on International Test Scores. […]

Info Week of December 2, 2013

Wohoo and welcome back from your Thanksgiving break! I hope all of you feel relaxed and ready for the next three weeks of fun. Our students will be completing their current projects and preparing for exhibition night, Dec. 19th. We expect all parents to attend with their children. Project Exhibitions are more significant to us […]

Netgear Contest Winner…Tony Spitzberg from Innovations Academy

Tony Spitzberg (7/8 grade Humanities teacher) entered a National Netgear Contest and won the grand prize for our school. We will be outfitted with some great wireless gear so that our students will have more efficient access to the internet. Thank you, Tony! Tell us why your school would benefit from WiFi and Storage from […]

Weekly News 11/12- 11/15

8th grade trip The $75 payment for the 8th grade end of the year field trip is due. Please send this in to Lisa this week.  Interested in Girl Scouts? There will be another girl scout interest meeting with Joselyn this  Wed 11/13 at 3:45. IF you have a daughter that is interested in being […]

Info Week of Nov. 4-8

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Good Evening Innovations Families, www.innovationsacademy.org Apologies for the late uploading of the November order form. It will be up by Nov. 3, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. Congratulations to us all. The total raised from the 2013 Pledge Drive was $11,796 (including employer matching gifts). 104 of 250 families participated. Please accept my gratitude for your […]

Info Week of Oct 28-Nov 1

School photos will be taken this week. For specific information about times and days, please see the website under news, scroll down to “school photos.” Two volunteers are needed to assist with Picture Day on Tuesday morning.  If you can help, please e-mail IAParents@innovationsacademy.org Monday-Grades 6,7,8 Tuesday-Grades 4,5 and HLC Wednesday-Grades K,1,2,3   Pledge Drive […]

Weekly News 10/21 – 10/25

Please support your school I would like to start this call with a personal request to each of you to support our pledge drive. I love our school and what we stand for and I care about each and every one of your children. I believe we have a population of families that believes what […]

Weekly News Oct 14-17

Good Evening Innovations Families, Please note that due to SLConferences this week, Monday through Thursday are minimum days with dismissal at 12 noon and Friday there is NO SCHOOL. Please sign up for after care with OUTPOST. www.outpostsummercamps.com if you can not pick up your child at noon. If you have not signed up to […]

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