Weekly News 2/2/14 – 2/8/14

Good Evening Innovations Families,

Our February lunch form will be posted later this by 8:00 p.m. Thank you for your patience.

We received an email this week that our 8th grade students are guaranteed a spot at Coleman Tech High School for the 14-15 school year if they enroll with Coleman Tech by February 28, 2014. If interested contact them at (858) 874-4338

Please order your JR organic produce boxes which  will be here Tuesday. Small Produce Boxes have 8-10 organic fruit and veggies for $25.  You can place an order through Monday morning at this link.

IA students were recognized this week on the Food Bank Blog for their  Contribution to hungry families of San Diego. Congratulations to the parents, students and teachers who made this possible. Over 4000 meals will be provided for hungry individuals and families thanks to this project

There is an opportunity for students ages 8-12 to participate in a research study. If interested, seethe  Research Flyer.

Families at Innovations Academy can help support our troops and their families who live and serve in other countries. We will be collecting  unused even expired manufacturers food coupons to be distributed to families overseas. Please check out the website Troopons  These coupons can help in making ends meet for many of these families. What a great way for our children to learn to help others. It’s fun and easy. We will have a box in the office to leave your coupons for the next three weeks.

Girl Scout Cookie sales begin this week. Please tell your scout that it is okay to sell on campus as long as they can pleasantly take no for an answer. We want our families teachers and other students to be able to take advantage of the sale without feeling harassed

Please help us by reinforcing the three pillars of school success: BE KIND, ACT HELPFUL AND WORK HARD.

Thank you for reading this information and have a great week!

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