This page contains information about SELPA plan, LCAP, LCP, ELO, ESSER III, Education Protection Act, Title IX, Arts & Music in Schools Plan and our SARC Reports
Our highest accountability is to our students and their families. We set out to create a learning environment that is both challenging and enjoyable. The best learning that we have seen has both components. We ask that our parents engage in a paradigm of team education as our belief is that parents and families have the biggest impact in each child’s life. Please share your input with our director at any time by emailing
Innovations Academy Charter
This document governs the operations of the school and gives a thorough overview of the mission, vision, curriculum, and overall structure of Innovations Academy. Renewed in 2018, we will once again renew our vision in 2025. It can be read here.
SELPA Participation
Innovations Academy is a member of the El Dorado SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area)
- 2024-25 Participation Agreement between Innovations Academy and the El Dorado Charter SELPA
- SELPA Governance
Learning Recovery Block Grant Plan (coming soon)
Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant Plan (ELO)
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan Guide (board approved 6/28/22)
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P)
Elementary and Secondary School Relief (ESSER III) Plan
Innovations Academy ESSER III Plan
Arts & Music in Education Plan and Prop 28 Arts & Music
Arts & Music Grant Expenditure Plan (board approved 12/2022)
23-24 Prop 28 Annual Expenditure Report for Arts and Music in Educationn (board approved 6/25/24)
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP and LCP)
2024-25 Local Control Accountability Plan (board approved 6/25/24) Federal Addendum
2023-24 Local Control Accountability Plan (board approved 6/28/23) Federal Addendum
2022-23 Local Control Accountability Plan (board approved 6/28/22) and Federal Addendum
2021-22 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and LCAP_Federal_Addendum
LCP 2020-21 Budget Overview for Parents (approved 12/8/20)
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) (adopted 9/15/20)
2019-20 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Federal Addendum
2018-19 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and ESSA Addendum
2017-18 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
2016-17 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
2015-16 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) 2015-16
2014 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Education Protection Act
Education Protection Act Resolution 2014
Education Protection Act Expenditure Report 13-14
Education Protection Act Expenditure Report 14-15
Education Protection Act Resolution 2015
Education Protection Act Expenditure Report 15-16
Education Protection Act Resolution 2016
Education Protection Act Expenditure Report 16-17
Education Protection Act Expenditure Report 17-18
Education Protection Act Expenditure Report 18-19
Education Protection Act Resolution 2019-20 (Approved 6/23/20)
Educational Protection Act Expenditure Report 19-20
Education Protection Act Resolution 20-21 (Approved 6/23/20)
Education Protection Act Resolution and Expenditures 20-21 & 21-22 (approved 6/15/21)
Education Protection Act Resolution 22-23 (approved 6/28/22)
Education Protection Act (EPA) 22-23 Expenditures Report
Education Protection Act (EPA) 23-24 & 24-25 (board approved 6/25/24)
Title IX
Coordinator: Christine Kuglen, 5454 Ruffin Rd. San Diego, CA 92123 858-271-1414
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
Public schools throughout California are required to provide information about themselves to the community in the form of an annual School Accountability Report Card (SARC). These report cards provide a variety of data to allow the public to evaluate and compare schools in seven major areas:
- demographic information
- school safety and climate for learning
- academic data
- class size
- teacher and staff information
- curriculum and instruction
- fiscal and expenditure data
Following state guidelines, the report cards, issued each spring, focus on the previous academic year.
SARC Report 2017-18
SARC Report 2018-19
SARC Report 2019-20
SARC Report 2020-21
SARC Report 2021-22
SARC Report 2022-23
SARC Report 2023-24