
Did you know that student absences impact school funding?  

Please help support our school funding by enforcing consistent attendance.  The primary reason to have as perfect an attendance record as you can is to teach commitment to our children. They are learning what it means to sign up for and attend at these ages. Additionally, their academic progress and community engagement are impacted even with one day of absence. Additionally, schools in California, as ridiculous as it sounds, have their funding reduced based on absences. In the case of an absence, please contact the office for an easy homework contract, which will help us continue to receive funding in case of an absence.

Other IA Fundraising opportunities

Passive fundraising opportunities are links or websites that you click on before you shop. While you shop, you give a small percentage back to IA. They cost you nothing extra and bring in needed funds. We appreciate your help in our ongoing passive fundraising:


Mighty Nest Lunch Supplies  Enter our zip code 92123 and school name

Box Tops 4 Education Clip Box Tops off of cereal boxes and other products, and bring them to the IA front office.   Use your email and our school ID number to re-enroll annually: 500022874

Other School Fundraising
Classroom Fundraising:  Parents’ Night Out, 
Bake sales, etc.

Theater Department: Raffle tickets, silent auctions, and popcorn sales during our performances

Nature Studies Department: plant sales

Scholastic Book Fair

Each year, Innovations Academy partners with Scholastic Book Fair to sponsor an on-site book sale event at our school.

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