IA Parent News and Notifications

Weekly News 11/15-11/21

The Pledge Drive is over and what a success. I want to acknowledge Yvette Hopp, our parent coordinator of the pledge drive, because without her we never could have done it, and of course a huge thank you to all those who participated. We had a participation rate of 65%. Our grand total raised is […]

Weekly News 11/8-11/15

Good Evening Innovations Families, School Photos School picture order forms were sent home with students on Friday, November 6. Retakes will be Thursday, November 12. If you would like a retake for your child, please email Canela Photography at posoria@gmail.com with your child’s name and teacher’s name. Students who were absent during their scheduled picture […]

Weekly News 11/1-11/7

Our community is incredible. We have completed the first seven weeks of school, supported children through student led conferences and accomplished much academic work. PLEDGE DRiVE The Pledge Drive has been extended for one week, until Nov 6th. The money from the Pledge Drive is going towards a van, or two, if we can afford […]

Weekly News 10/25-10/31

Good Evening, Innovations Families, Acknowledgement Thank you to all those who supported children, helped organize the Friday Celebration of Life, donated anything, participated in the GoFundMe campaign, helped out in Alex’s class and attended the Celebration on Friday. It was a demonstration of the strength of our community. You are amazing people. Book Fair and […]

Alex’s Funeral, Memorial Celebration and Schedule Changes

Good Evening, Innovations Families, This email is to let you know about some important schedule changes and other information about Alex’s funeral and memorial service. Please use your discretion for your child’s attendance at the funeral or memorial celebration as you know your child best. FUNERAL Alex’s funeral  will take place on Thursday, October 22 […]

Dealing With the Loss of a Loved One

This post is made with the intention of providing support to you as you support your child through this difficult time. We encourage you to talk with your child. How we, as adults, manage ourselves serves as an important model for helping kids handle tragedies like this. It is important that they know they are loved and […]

Alex Antohin Information

Dear Innovations Community, It is with great sadness that I am communicating with you today. Our dear friend, colleague and inspiration, Alex Antohin, passed away this morning. We will miss him. I understand that this is a very difficult time for many of us and have arranged for there to be a crisis team on […]

Weekly News 10/11 – 10/17

Yes, we do have school tomorrow on Columbus Day.  Please have your child present as always. Mondays are minimum days NOT days off. We take every school day seriously and expect every full time child to be at school every Monday. Facilities Two weeks ago the district approved an extension of our lease until June […]

Weekly News 10/4/15 – 10/10/15

Pizza Tomorrow $2 or $4 Tomorrow, Monday, Oct 5th at 12:30 our 5th graders will be selling PIZZA and juice to raise funds for their upcoming November Camp Surf trip.  Pizza will be $2 for a large slice, Juice will be $.50, or get our IA COMBO- 2 slices of pizza and a juice box for $4!!!  Have […]

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