Weekly News 4/10-4/16

Good Evening Innovations Families, Welcome to another week of meaningful learning. Much of the information in this call entails following a link for more information. These links are always in the email sent to you as well as on our website under the NEWS tab. We also try to share them on our FB page: […]

Weekly News 4/3-4/9

WELCOME BACK FROM SPRING BREAK! Tomorrow is a staff development day and there will be NO CLASSES. We look forward to seeing all of your children on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Gallon Plastic Jugs Needed Beth’s 6th grade is in need of clean plastic jugs.If you have plastic water or milk gallon jugs, please rinse […]

Weekly News 3/20-3/26

Good Evening Innovations Families Welcome to another week of learning. This is the week before Spring break. Exhibition Night The big news of the week is that this Thursday, our students will hold an Exhibition Night. During Exhibition, students demonstrate their knowledge and skills through a variety of presentation formats and products. 5-7:30 p.m. Don’t […]

Weekly News 3/13/16-3/19/16

Good Evening Innovations Families Thank you, Volunteers First, thank you to all IA volunteers. Last week volunteers helped students solder electronics projects, served lunch, transported students on field study experiences,  cleaned up classrooms, supported students learning to read, sought grants for school vans and more. Volunteers make our school stronger and keep programs alive. Lunch […]

Update to CDE Release of Student Information

UPDATE TO FEBRUARY 18, 2016 LEGAL ALERT Judge Orders Stricter Protections Related to Student Data Released In Response to Subpoena MORGAN HILL CONCERNED PARENTS ASSN. V. CAL. DEPT. OF ED NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE OF STUDENT RECORDS FERPA NOTICE AND OBJECTION FORM The U.S. District Court issued a court order on March 1, 2016, in response […]

Weekly News 3/6-3/12

I hope you relaxed today allowing the rain to clean the slate so you can begin a new week fresh and ready. Parenting: The BEST job ever! Too bad we have to make moneyJ If you are someone that wonders why we chose to create a school without punishments and rewards, you might get some […]

Weekly News 2/28-3/5

Tuesday, Kindness Day Jennifer’s Kindergarten class has decided to have an “Acts of Kindness Day” on Tuesday, March 1st. They will be greeting at the front gate, placing written positive messages around campus and sending a list of positive activities to other classes. They have chosen Turquoise and White as the colors of spirit for […]

Weekly News 2/21-2/27

Good Evening Innovations Families EWASTE FUNDRAISER Green Hat Electronics will hold an EWASTE drive on Feb 27-28th on our campus. This is a fundraiser for our school. If you have ewaste, remember to bring it by school on Friday the 26th or over next weekend. USED CLOTHING FUNDRAISER 4th Grade will be holding a Clothing […]

Your Child’s Personal Record Release Waiver 2/20/16

A recent order in a lawsuit against the California Department of Education (CDE) is impacting all schools across the state, including Innovations Academy. In April 2012, two organizations, the Morgan Hill Concerned Parents Association and the Concerned Parent Association, filed a lawsuit against the CDE alleging widespread, systemic non-compliance by local education agencies with special […]

Weekly News 2/14-2/20

Today is Valentine’s Day and I hope you all experienced the love of family. You deserve it. Tomorrow, there is no school. We will see all on Tuesday. Family Dance Photos The 5th annual Family Dance was a tremendous success! Thanks to all who attended. It is always nice to see young and old dancing […]

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