Weekly News 6/4-6/9

Good Evening Innovations Families.

The last few weeks of school are always busy. Please take the time to read the teacher emails for particulars for your child’s class such as testing, presentations of learning (POL), class parties, movies, field trips and events.

Friday, June 9th is our last day of school and is a minimum day. Dismissal is at 12:30. Our OPEN HOUSE for next year will be on August 24th from 5-7:30 and classes will resume, Monday, August 28th.

8th grade graduation ceremony will be held in the MPR on June 9th.

The yearbooks will be distributed tomorrow after school beginning at 12:30. If your family ordered and paid for a yearbook, a child or adult can sign for it and pick it up. If the book was not paid for, please send or bring the money to the pick up table.


The 8th grade apologizes for the delay but does finally have the photos from the dance that show what a GLOWING time all families had. You can see the photo booth photos at this link:

pics here


Here is an interesting tidbit from the internet about one person’s thoughts on what kills curiousity in children. I would say that I agree with all but #3. I would say the difference about gossip and curiousity is that gossip in about judgement and curiousity is about wonder. I wonder what you do to encourage curiosity in your children?

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