Weekly Info 9/25-10/1

Good Evening IA Families,

The 8th graders would like to thank all those who supported their Pizza Friday. They raised $214 for their 8th grade trip. They will be continuing Pizza Fridays every week.

Donations needed for Our Nature Studies classes. They could use natural materials like stumps, boulders, natural twine, shells, short sawed branches, and bamboo for our nature play space.  We also need some large garden deck boxes for storing these materials. Items can be left outside the garden gate (in the far back parking area) or in room 802. Thanks!

An IA mom and son are looking for a room to rent. If you have space or know someone who does, please contact Eugenia at 619-808-6123 or email fff.inc@icloud.com   Eugenia also has a large dog that needs a home. They are open to the pup being fostered or finding him a permanent home.

A family needs a carpool from Point Loma near West Point Loma Blvd. and Sports Arena Blvd. If you can help then please email life7times7@yahoo.com

Innovations Academy MPR will serve as a voting location on election day. The Innovations 5th-8th grades will be having an IA Mock Election on election day. They will be exploring the propositions and the candidates for themselves. This might be a time to have reflective discussions about democracy and elections if you have a child in those grades.

October Parent Effectiveness Training Sessions (PET) This is not Positive Discipline but is very similar.
Kelly Meier| Parent Effectiveness Training| (619) 876-8402Kelly@RespectfulParent.com |Respectful Parent.com

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