Weekly News 5/15-5/22

Good Evening Innovations Families,

Parent Appreciation
Now that teacher appreciation week is over, I think it is time that we recognize the contributions parents make to our school. Here are some things about IA that you may or may not realize were generated by parents: our gardening program was initiated by parents, our Nature Studies and Gardening enrichment classes were a parent idea, our Spanish program was the idea of a parent, our lunch program could not run without parent support, the pottery wheels were donated because a parent made a phone call and the money that comes to us from Food Trucks is because a parent got that started. Many of you are making decisions to align your interactions with your children to Positive Discipline so that they can have a consistent message and become deeply intrinsically motivated. I hope you realize how much you contribute each day to making our school a better place. There is much that you do that will go unrecognized but the impact on our world is there as proof.

Bake Sale
The 3rd Graders are having a Bake Sale on Monday, before and after school. Every item will be $1. The funds are being raised to support their economics project. Thank you for your support.

Performing Arts
The Performing Arts Department under the skilled leadership of Natasha Starbuck-Smith gave 5 very successful  performances of their play “Scooby-Doo and the Toy Store Terror.” Congratulations to Natasha and both the junior and senior casts. Their hard work paid off as they pleased multiple audiences with humor and talent.

Support Children Through the Last Few Weeks
The end of the year can get a little crazy. Let’s all help the children stay focused by continuing regular bedtimes, healthy eating habits, love and all of the time they deserve. Adult work and adult needs should always take into account that our children need a large quantity of quality time. Both quantity and quality are crucial to healthy child development.

Have a great week.

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