Weekly News 5/1-5/7

This was a big weekend for two of IA’s teams. Congratulations to the HLC students on their awards at the Shakespeare Festival in Balboa Park. They worked hard and achieved success! They took 1st place for their comedy ensemble and 2nd place for dramatic trio scene and one of the actors took 1st place individually for both.

And congratulations, as well, to the Robotics Team for their participation in the Botball Tournament at West Hills High School on Saturday. They received a judge’s award for an Outstanding Mechanical Subsystem and placed 7th out of 27 teams.

Our Playground
Children need free play. We at Innovations Academy know that. And it is time that we find ways to transform our asphalt heaven into an exploratory arena. We have several ideas that will bring depth of play in the future and here is one of them… imagination playground blocks. Please vote for IA on the Imagination Playground website every day until May 18th so we can begin to do just that.


It’s a NEW MONTH!   That means its time to order lunches for your student. Please go online to www.innovationsacademy.org  to order lunches for the month of May.  Don’t forget to select your correct grade for your student, and please remember your child may not be on the lunch list if you order AFTER 8:30am.  If there is ever a question on a later order, please contact the office by 9am.

The IA Lunch Program appreciates volunteers! Thank you to those who have served faithfully.  We can’t do this without you.  We appreciate time and donations made to our program.  There is a current need!  We are in need of FORKS and NON BREAKABLE MICROWAVABLE PLATES.  If you have any to donate (gently used or new) please drop them off in the office!  If you have not yet volunteered your time during a lunch day, there are spots available.  Contact Kiersten by email.  kiersten@innovationsacademy.org Thank you!

School Play
There are two casts for the Spring play, “Scooby Doo and the Toystore Terror,” a  junior cast and a senior cast. Each cast will have two performances. The junior cast will perform Thursday, May 12th at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 14th at 2:00 p.m. The senior cast will perform Friday, May 13th at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 14th at 6:30 p.m. Tickets to this play will be available via Eventbrite on Tuesday. We are asking for $1 per ticket and limited tickets are available. An email will go out and it will be posted to the IA FB page.

Cody’s Keyboard Club After School Program

Cody’s Keyboard Club is starting a Tuesday piano session on May 3. This 7-week program will meet every Tuesday for the rest of the school year. Keyboards, headsets, and music – of the students’ choice – are provided. Pre-registration is required For more information please see the flier.
Phone or text: 619-861-4548 or email:cody@codyskeyboardclub.com

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