Alex’s Funeral, Memorial Celebration and Schedule Changes

Good Evening, Innovations Families,

This email is to let you know about some important schedule changes and other information about Alex’s funeral and memorial service. Please use your discretion for your child’s attendance at the funeral or memorial celebration as you know your child best.

Alex’s funeral  will take place on Thursday, October 22 at 12 noon at St. John of Kronstadt Church. 5131 Rex St. San Diego 92105

Therefore DISMISSAL will take place at 11:30 on Thursday. All Thursday Student Led Conferences will be canceled. Please reschedule with teachers.

  • Students attending the funeral may be picked up any time at or before 11:30
  • Students NOT attending the funeral with parents who can get them may be picked up at 11:30
  • Students Not attending the funeral and NOT enrolled in Outpost Aftercare are welcome to be in aftercare from 11:30-12:30 at no charge. Please email your child’s teacher if you need this service.
  • Students NOT attending the funeral and already enrolled in Outpost Aftercare will go to aftercare at 11:30 as usual.

The Thursday Family Fun Event will take place, as planned, from 5-7 p.m.  We welcome a fun time that evening.

IA will be hosting a celebration of Alex’s life with his family in our MPR on Friday, October 23 at 1:00 p.m. It will include music, art and sharing of stories and love. If you would like to help with food, share photos of Alex or help set up, please contact Jennifer Franklin at

Dismissal on Friday will be as planned (12:30). Student Led Conferences are canceled. Please reschedule with teachers.

  • Students who are attending aftercare are welcome to attend the ceremony.
  • If you do not want your aftercare child to attend, please contact Outpost staff to let them know.
  • Students are NOT required to attend and many won’t want to. Please pick up your child after school if they do not want to attend and are not enrolled in Outpost Aftercare.

I apologize for any disruption that this creates for your family. It is my goal to honor our teacher and his family.



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