Weekly News 4/19-4/26

Good Evening, Innovations Community,

Thank you all for supporting the recent surge of fundraisers at school. We appreciate your kindness and are making a plan for next year to minimize this impact. In the meantime, your support is helping our students learn responsibility, money management, pre-entrepreneurial skills and will help them attend their spring overnight field study experiences.

Congratulations to Jennifer’s K/1 students who have their art on display at Birdrock Coffee Roasters in La Jolla, Stop by and see their work if you are in the area.

May 7th is the Innovations Academy Art Experience. Save the date. The school play, And Then There Were None, will be performed, art from many of the classes will be on display, the food trucks will be serving dinner and it will be a fun time for all. Stay tuned for more information. And save the date.

This Wednesday, County Supervisor Ron Roberts will be visiting Innovations Academy. Our students will be presenting some of the inspiring project work they have done this year and recognition will be given to Josh and Jakob Rosen who have donated their Eagle Scout Projects to our school.

State testing will commence this week. The new computer based test will be given to our 3rd – 8th grade students in the mornings until May 19th. Support your child to be stress free about these tests. They are simply a new opportunity to demonstrate our skills, resilience, focus and fortitude.

Please consider buying gift cards for your weekly shopping in San Diego. A link on our fundraiser page has more details and they are always available in the front office.

If you haven’t purchased a yearbook, do so now.. The information is on our website under the news tab.

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