Weekly Info 4/12- 4/19

Innovations Academy had our first ever Inter-Generational Earth Day event last week and it made local news. Here is a link to the article.


The annual state assessments will begin at IA the week of April 19th.  This is the launch of the new online testing system and is so different from previous state tests that the State Superintendent, Tom Torlakson, released a statement urging parents and schools not to compare them. Students in grades 3-8 will be participating in the assessments until May 19th. We will only be testing in the mornings. I request that we keep testing in perspective and stay alert to the fact that your child’s results are simply the results of one test. If you instead focus on how to help your children develop their passions and the tenacity they will need to achieve excellence then you will have succeeded. Neil deGrasse Tyson says it well in this 4 minute video that I hope you will watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZzckOX06N0

The deadline for ordering I.A. YEARBOOKS is this week!
• Online ordering for year books is now available
• $20 plus tax
• You may customize 2 pages for free.
• Online ordering deadline: Saturday, April 18, 2015
• You may use the app or order through the Tree Ring website at: http://www.TreeRing.com/validate. Passcode: 10138151665191.

Mark your calendars for May 7th. That evening we will be having an art gala to show off student art and a school play. Prepare to be inspired.

There will most likely be sales after school this week to help classes raise funds for the ever special end of the year overnight field trips. Support our sales if you can. Additionally, we always have gift cards on sale in the front office. Gift cards can be used as gifts but can also be used for regular purchases and we get a percentage.

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