Weekly News 3/22/15-3/28/15

This is the final week before Spring break and it is a busy one. Our most important event this week is our Exhibition Night to be held this Thursday from 5-7:30. Bring a bit of cash for those small fundraiser purchases and bring your questions for our students but most of all, bring yourself. We expect 100% attendance. Why have an Exhibition of Student Work? Here are some reasons to consider:

  • Exhibitions provide parents with insight into our instructional program and their child’s progress.
  • Exhibitions provide an authentic audience for students. In addition to parents, we have invited community members to view this work.
  • Exhibitions increase student learning of significant content- which occurs when visitors ask questions
  • Exhibitions are a celebration of the work we do throughout the year.

Thank you for taking the time to come.

On Tuesday, March 24th, there will be a fundraiser at PIZZA REV, across the street. It will be an all-day event. 20% of your purchase will be given to our fourth graders for their overnight field trip. Bring in the flier that can be downloaded from our website or simply mention “IA” at the Pizza Rev registers.

Wednesday and Friday there will be bake sales on campus, also as a fundraiser for the 4th grade.


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