Weekly News 2/15- 2/22

Good Evening, Innovations Community,

I hope your weekend is going well. The weather has been conducive to outdoor activities and I wish for your families that you have been able to access the outdoors this weekend. We are lucky to live in a location that allows us to experience life outside of four walls year round.

This weekend is not over as tomorrow is still a holiday. We will return to school on Tuesday, February 17th.

Two weeks ago a survey was sent out. I have received 50 interesting responses that will help us understand the needs of those families. If you still have not given us your important and valuable feedback on this anonymous survey, please take a moment now to do so. This is your school and you deserve input in our decisions. The link is in the email and on our website under today’s news. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XG7ZM8D

Something that was brought to my attention through the survey is that I may not get back to everyone about every issue, though, believe me, I am trying. Email is a powerful tool but spammers, education outreach and bulletins from the Federal, State, County and District offices often overload my inbox. Please accept my apology if I have ever neglected an email that you sent. And never hesitate to resend an email or call the office if you are in need of a response and have not received one.

Another attention getter from the survey was that there is a lot of interest in deeper learning about Positive Discipline. We clearly see that children of families who implement PD at home, have a smooth transition at school. We are offering a series of workshops to be held on Thursdays, from February 19-March 26 from 6:00-8:30pm at IA. See the flier for details.

Regarding future facilities for Innovations Academy. In November, some families came out to the district meeting held on our campus regarding the use of our location for a district joint occupancy agreement. The website for the district regarding this process shows no new information http://www.sandi.net/Page/68502


Please realize that I am vigilant for our future and I have no reason for concern at this time. If and when there is new information that will help our families, it will be shared with you. Also know that you can contact me anytime. If you don’t get a response in a timely manner, please call.

Much information about your child’s class, the work they are doing, school events etc. is online and sent electronically. This allows us to share information in a way that does not produce paper waste. However, if you do not have regular access to the internet, this can create issues. If you are a family that cannot readily access the internet, please drop me, Christine, a note or stop by my office so that I can make sure you always get the information another way.

We have uploaded the February version of STEM Magazine. It is on our website under the news tab.

Thank you for taking the time to hear and read this information. See you Tuesday.

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