Weekly Info 12/14- 12/20

The most important announcement this week is that Exhibition Night is this Thursday from 5:00-7:30. Exhbition night is truly NOT OPTIONAL for our students. For the past two months they have engaged in deep project work which includes questioning, wonderment, brainstorming, hypothesizing, going off campus for fieldwork, speaking with guest experts, service learning, researching, writing, computing, seeking answers in the history of their topic and more. This exhibition, including your presence, provides an authentic audience for the work our students have completed. Public officials and guest experts who have mentored our students are coming to revel in the final product of the work and reflect on its quality. One aspect of our exhibition is to support all of our students. We ask parents to visit at least 3 classrooms during the evening. If you miss this exhibition, you are truly missing the point of having your student at a project based learning school. We will be joined by Council Member Kersey, SD Unified Board Member Kevin Beiser, staff and members of La Maestra Community Services, and others will join you in this celebration of learning.

Several entrepreneurial projects will be selling their products so please bring some spare cash to support these budding entrepreneurs by purchasing dinner and desserts, greeting cards, reusable grocery bags, and art. Sales include: Talli’s Taco Truck (an IA Parent) Lisa’s Cookies, Sugar Box Carmel’s gift boxes, Michael’s 6th grade class Entrepreneurs, Anja’s 3rd grade gifts, Alicia’s Holiday Card Sales, and IA Gift Cards.

Please bring all old unwanted t-shirts this week to be repurposed into reusable grocery bags on Exhibition Night. Wash them first and take them to room 507.

As part of the service learning for their project, Bill’s 5th grade completed a successful jog-a-thon on Friday. A big thank you from Radys Children’s Hospital who will benefit from the funds raised, to all who sponsored a runner and to the runners who improved their health. Please return all jog-a-thon pledges by Monday.

We are asking that all students bring at least one can of food for our Food Bank Drive. All donations must be in by this Friday Dec. 19th. We would love to have our bin filled to the brim by Exhibition Night.

The 7th grade worked on a Medieval Performance will take place this Friday, December 19th at 9:00 a.m. for all of the other students. Parents are welcome as well.

The Holiday break is upon us. We will be taking all backpacks, jackets and other items left behind on campus to a thrift store on Friday after school. Look for missing items now.


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