Weekly News 4/20-4/26


Thank you for taking the time to veiw the news for the week.

As you know we are field testing the new state assessments. They are computer based, which is new and the questions are much more complex. If your child is in the 3rd-8th grade they are taking these tests. Please take some time this week to ask about these assessments. We will need feedback and would love to hear what they have shared with you.

Have you seen our garden? Well the chance is coming. Beth is planning a Garden Work Day SAT 4/26. Please come out for an hour or two. Email beth@innovationsacademy.org for more information.

If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook, please order online now. The deadline is April 25th. If you log on now you can have time to customize pages for your child. The website is: www.TreeRing.com/signin More information can be found on our website “NEWS TAB”

A carpool is needed for one of our families. If you live near the University Avenue and Orange Intersection in Central San Diego, and are willing to drive a family please contact Soklorn on her cell phone 619-452-8254


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