Weekly News 2/9 – 2/15

Good Evening Innovations Families,

A big thank you to all students, parents and teachers that came out for the garden build work day yesterday. The weather was beautiful and much got done due to your gift of time and energy.  Over the past year our garden has been transformed from a dirt lot into an outdoor learning space and the work will continue. The work you did made a huge difference.

We are always looking for creative ways to raise money without asking students to sell things or families to buy things they don’t need. Now there is another way you can contribute without having to give money. By using this link to order from Amazon.com, our school will earn 6% of the purchase price.  Bookmark it today!

If your child is in grades 1-8 they have been using an online math program called ST MATH. Some students were experiencing glitches with the program but we have recently readjusted the curriculum and these problems should no longer occur. All students are able to access their account from home and we hope you encourage them to put in some time in the evenings.

Being kind as well as helpful and working hard are the three pillars of success at Innovations Academy. Imagine if all of our students truly practiced these skills all week?  I would like to encourage parents to check in with your child each night and encourage them in the morning regarding these skills. Take some time to ask your children each night about their day:

  • How were they kind each day?
  • What did they do to help someone new? and
  • How did they work hard? What difficult learning experience did they tackle with ferver?

There will be no school this Friday and next Monday due to the President’s weekend celebration. We hope you have a great four days of fun, love and learning.

Please check the classroom digital portfolios for specific information about the work your child is doing in class, field trips and reflections on learning.

Thank you for listening. Have a spectacular week!

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