See Innovations Academy on the Empty Bowl Website This is part of our Exhibition Night
1. The Book Fair is here! Each class will be attending the book fair this week. Here are the times:
The book fair will be open at Exhibition Night and every day after school.
2. Exhibition Night, Thursday 5-8 p.m.
- When you come to Exhibition Night, please start by picking upa program that will be at the front gate. We ask that you visit several classrooms, even rooms that you don’t have children in.
- We are also requesting that everyone bring a can of food to donate to the food bank, If we all participate we could easily collect 500 cans of food for hungry families in SD. This is a part of the 6/7/8 grade Empty Bowls Project. A representative from the Food Bank will be speaking at 6 p.m. and the students will be selling meals in the ceramic bowls they have made to raise funds for the FB.
- The Food Trucks will be here , as they are every Thursday. Their presence will decrease parking space but parking will be available in the dirt lot at the north side of the school and the gate will be open on that side of the playground for your convenience.
3. Brandon Loveall, a 6th grade student and his mother, are collecting new and gently used books this week. The books will be donated to the children at the Monarch school. The Monarch school is a school that serves homeless children in the San Diego area. For your convenience, book collection bins are located in each classroom. We appreciate your donation and we thank you for making a difference in the lives of children.
4. Attendance is important every school day. Please make sure your child gets to school every day this week.