Netgear Contest Winner…Tony Spitzberg from Innovations Academy

Tony Spitzberg (7/8 grade Humanities teacher) entered a National Netgear Contest and won the grand prize for our school. We will be outfitted with some great wireless gear so that our students will have more efficient access to the internet. Thank you, Tony!

Tell us why your school would benefit from WiFi and Storage from NETGEAR (in 300 words or less).

Response by Tony Spitzberg:

 Our internet is as slow as mud.

Our computers? Cows chewing their cud.

The network cables have been attacked by rats

— maybe the answer is 10,000 cats?

Our students want to learn to code,

but a page takes twenty minutes to load!

They have nowhere to save their work,

except for the thumbdrive–our major perk!


You may ask why we don’t use the cloud.

Did I mention our cables have often been ploughed?

By rodents with a craving for copper—

trust me here, I’m telling no whopper!


Now digital literacy is key in this age

so at our school, NETGEAR,

you’d be all the rage!

You would turn us on with WiFi and more.

We could finally advance beyond 1994!


Our resources expanding a million fold,

the smiles of our students, sights to behold.

They’d exchange ideas and share information

instead of another altercation

with an Error 404 or a failure to connect

with a network that gives them absolutely no respect.


They would interact with experts in various fields

and these experiences would result in enormous yields!

They would think more critically and make new connections

as their brains stretch in all sorts of directions.

The sky would be the limit!

Oops, that’s a cliché…

Oh no, wait! Don’t run away!

By this point I’m hoping what you understand

is how much our students need wireless broadband.


Storage space too would be a big plus,

and never again would we ever fuss

about the fact that our creations have nowhere to go

which always causes our students such terrible woe.

For our school, this will be such a thrilling frontier

and we can’t wait to explore it, so choose us, NETGEAR! 

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