I have enjoyed facilitating learners in the Home Learning Community at Innovations since 2010. I love teaching. It is what I do and who I am. I love exploring the world, sharing knowledge, learning from others, making connections, co-designing activities, creating, experimenting, and playing. In our learning communities, we discover more about ourselves and our world. When learners are given agency over their learning journeys, they find they are able to effect positive and powerful change in the world; this is a goal I have for all my kids.
I received my BA in English at UC Berkeley, my teaching credential at UC Berkeley’s Bay Area Writing Project, and my masters degree in Educational Leadership at High Tech High’s Graduate School of Education. I’ve been an educator for 30 years, working in elementary, middle, high school, and university programs. I have mentored beginning teachers, and I give talks at conferences. I teach Iyengar yoga classes and workshops at the San Diego Yoga Studio. Together with my partners, Jennifer Mercer and Teresa Draguicevich, I helped create Learning Journeys Forum, a community space that supports homeschooling parents and students in San Diego through parent professional development and high school homeschool classes. https://www.learningjourneysforum.com/
My favorite teaching experience was homeschooling my two boys in K-12th grades. They are now young men, one a senior at UC Berkeley and one working in the film industry in San Diego and LA. When not teaching, I love to do yoga, read, travel, kayak, hike, and play with my dog and my kids.