IA Complaint Policy and Form/ Adult Effective Communication for Complaint Resolution and Form
Uniform Complaint Procedures and Form
California Department of Education Brochure on Uniform Complaint Policies
Please note: Education Code 47605(d)(4):
- 47605(d)(4) prohibits a charter school from discouraging enrollment or encouraging disenrollment of any pupil for any reason, and specifically for reasons based on academic performance, the pupil’s nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, or because the pupil is disabled, academically low-achieving, an English learner, neglected or delinquent, homeless, economically disadvantaged, or a foster youth.
- 47605(d)(4)(B) prohibits a charter school from requesting a pupil’s records or requiring a parent to submit the pupil’s records prior to enrollment in the charter school
- 47605(d)(4)(E)(i)-(ii) – allows any person who suspects that a charter school has violated paragraph (4) to file a complaint with the chartering authority. To file a complaint for these items, use this form