Student Application Form


To apply for the 2024-25 school year, please complete the New Student Lottery Form here.


Submission of an online application does not guarantee placement at Innovations Academy. One application per student is required. Attendance at a New Parent Information Session is mandatory prior to your child attending IA.

The 2024-25 public lottery will be held on Monday, March 3, 2024 at 1:00 pm. Applicants are notified of their status via email.

Please note:  Education Code 47605(d)(4) :

  • 47605(d)(4) and SB75 prohibit a charter school from discouraging enrollment or encouraging disenrollment of any pupil for any reason, and specifically for reasons based on academic performance, the pupil’s nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, or because the pupil is disabled, academically low-achieving, an English learner, neglected or delinquent, homeless, economically disadvantaged, or foster youth. It also prohibits a charter school from requesting a pupil’s records or requiring a parent to submit the pupil’s records prior to enrollment in the charter school. If you would like to file a complaint with the chartering authority,  contact and use SDUSD complaint form.

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