Janie, mother of a 7th grader

Dear Tony [7th grade teacher],

I would like to let you know that whatever you have done to my son, that I am truly impressed and thankful. Lorenzo gets up every morning excited for school. I have a new young man at my house it seems. He is concerned and outgoing when it comes to homework [we actually don’t give mandatory homework at Innovations, as we believe in family time. This child is bringing home work because he really wants to!], unlike last year. He tells us about his day and what he did. It is truly astonishing! Never has Lorenzo ever shown such enthusiasm for school in his young life. He has also gone as far as talking about college. I have always just worried about him graduating from High School much less what college he wants to attend. I thank you and Tony again for whatever changes you have contributed to in helping my son! And more over, thank you for making my son feel empowered and eager to learn and become a success.

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