Weekly News 12/13-12/19

Good Evening Innovations Families,

Can you believe it is time for winter break already? And that means, Exhibition Night. Please join us and bring friends, neighbors and relatives this Thursday, December 17, between 5:00-7:30 p.m.

 Enrichment Program
In case you haven’t noticed, IA has an extensive enrichment program. At this time, beyond projects and other engaging inquiry, students are participating in clay, piano, Spanish, nature studies, art, robotics, computer programming, dance and performing arts. Niki, our astounding art teacher has students creating work worthy of public display. 7th and 8th grade artwork is installed across the street at Mission Federal Credit Union. Please stop by and take a look and take time to thank the staff at Mission Fed for encouraging creative talent. You might even stop by before Exhibition on Thursday.

The Performing Arts Department, lead by Natasha, put on a quality presentation of A Christmas Carol. Congratulations to the students who worked hard to make it happen. Auditions for a spring performance will be taking place after winter break. Thanks to all who participated and supported this production and much gratitude to the Parent Connection for the gala on Saturday evening.

 New Forced Vaccination Law

We are used to “informed consent” as part of the freedom in health care. This is changing as SB277 is a law that will take effect January 1, 2016. If your child is not fully vaccinated you must have a Personal Beliefs Exemption(PBE) or a Medical Exemption (ME) on file in our office before leaving for winter break. Without an exemption in place all children who are not fully vaccinated according to government dictates will be banned from attending school. And these exemptions will not be available after December 2015. If you have not yet done so, please get this taken care of immediately. If you need information go to  http://www.vaccine-exemptions.com/ In addition to  submitting the PBE, the California Health & Safety Code section 120335 (g)(1) requires parents seeking to exempt their child from the requirements of the new mandatory vaccination law (California Senate Bill 277) to submit, “a letter or affidavit with to school  stating their beliefs opposed to immunization.”


Clothes and other items in the LOST AND FOUND will be donated to a thrift store this Friday. Stop by and look for missing items as soon as possible.


There will be a SDUSD Board meeting for a final vote on the future use of our site. It would be helpful to have our whole community present for that vote to show the board that we value our school and expect their support in finding a new location. The date has not been released but it will be on a Tuesday evening in January. Stay tuned for information. For information on the proposed development, see the latest SR newsletter https://www.scrippsranch.org/newsletter/current-issue.html

Thanks for listening and have a great week!

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