Weekly News 11/29-12/6

Good Evening Innovations Families and welcome back !

I apologize for the late call. Here are the messages for the week.

The parking lot has improved and we thank you for the efforts you have taken to make IA a safer place. Let’s all  continue to make our school the warm and inviting environment that we all deserve.

A big thank you to all who got yummy treats from the 3rd grade bake sale the Friday before break. They made $259

Reminder to save these dates (lengthier descriptions can be found on our website):

  • (THIS WEEK) 11/30 Chili’s Fundraiser 11 am-10:30 pm (proceeds to 4th grade)
  • (THIS WEEK) 12/4 Friday Parents Night Out 6-9 pm (babysitting and gift wrapping available) A fun time for kids and a blast for parents
  • 12/12 School Performance of A Christmas Carol including Gala Reception sponsored by your very own dedicated Parent Connection
  • 12/17 Exhibition Night 5-7:30 pm…invite family, friends and neighbors. Students will demonstrate their learning
  • Now…12/17 Purchase IA Tshirts and Jackets…great gifts and support both our school as you explore the community and our 5th graders
  • Now…ongoing bring in your recycling (glass, plastic and aluminum) to help the 7th graders get to the Biosphere on a 3 day science extravaganza.
  • Now…ongoing purchase gift cards at the front office
  • We have FREE yoga classes for your child to participate in during lunch or after school on Mondays. Read the flyer and complete a permission slip for your child to participate at lunch after they eat or to stay after school on Mondays.

Have a great week and see you tomorrow.

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