Weekly News 8/23/15- 8/30/15

Good Evening Innovations Families,

Welcome back to a new school year. For those of you who are new to IA, every Sunday between 5-7:00 p.m.  you will receive a call and an email from us. This information is for the coming week. It is also posted on our website under the news tab and on our parent facebook page called Innovations Academy Charter School Parent Group. Look us up!

Here are the latest updates:

  • We will have an Open House on September 2 from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Come get information about before and after care as well as enrichment classes. Also meet teachers, see classrooms etc. Class assignments will be posted on that day on the whiteboard outside the MPR
    • Families need to bring their signed registration confirmation pages to the registration table. If you requested a hard copy printed, it will be at the registration table.
    • For information about extended care you can visit this website as well:  http://www.outpostsummercamps.com/oasc/
  • School Starts 9:00 on Tuesday, September 8th. Start the year right by being on time!
  • Our school schedule and calendars are on the website now.
  • The supply list for all students is posted on the website under the PARENT tab, select “SUPPLY LIST” It is helpful for students to have these supplies on the first day but always remember that we are a public school and will happily provide materials for students.
  • An IA family is looking to rent closer to school. There are two people in the family and they are looking for a studio or a guest house. If you know of one, please email christine@innovationsacademy.org
  • A few families need carpools. Please extend a helping hand if you can.

2 Mira Mesa families-
McEvoy Family, 2 children-contact meganamcevoy@gmail.com
Buschhorn Family, 1 child-contact buschfam4@sbcglobal.net

La Mesa carpool:
Lender Family, 1 child-contact Naomi, 619-741-7448

  • aBeing an active member of a democracy is what education is all about. And if you have not heard about SB277 then you will benefit from more information. Innovations Academy is sponsoring an SB277 Town Hall Meeting, September 5 (Read the Flier)

Thank you for paying attention to important information about your school. Have a great week!


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