Weekly News 5/24 – 5/30

No School Tomorrow
Tomorrow is Memorial Day and there will be no school. We look forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday.

Parent Association Meeting

Wednesday, May 27, 9:00 am in the MPR we are having an IA Parents Association meeting to prep for next year. Committees are forming now! Internal committees will include 1) Social committee to plan family events, and 2) Room Parent coordination and support. External committees will include 1) Grants, and 2) Community/corporate outreach and fundraising. If you would like to be involved but can’t attend this meeting, please email Jennifer Ott-Rol at jottjen@sbcglobal.net. 

Final Field Study and POLs

With the end of the year fast approaching there are many field trips happening and other class events. POL’s will be taking place in all classrooms. Please sign up to view your child’s Presentation of Learning. We are all busy so it is a good idea to take this time to check in with the blogs and with the weekly emails.

Rise and shine for this week’s Gourmet Pancake Breakfasts!  Join the rest of the school and parents for a couple of fun and mouth-watering pancake breakfasts on Thurs, May 28 and Fri, May 29 outside the MPR before school.  For $3 per plate, you can get: coffee or juice, pancakes/toppings, pastries, and fruit.  While supplies last, so mark your calendars and come early!   Proceeds to benefit Emily’s 5th grade class.  

Thanks for listening and have a great week.

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