Innovations Information 10/5/14

As you know, IA has a no meaningless homework policy. I suspect there may be a few folks who worry about this. While teaching over 20 years ago, I came to the conclusion that homework does more damage than good (if any) . I encourage you to research this topic because it is important to be an informed parent. Our children need us to advocate for them. Here is a recent article from the Washington Post that will both show you a study can be read and discuss the impact of homework.

Innovations Academy’s Annual Pledge drive is getting close to the end. We have about 50 families that have pledged which is certainly making a difference but a great challenge for us would be to have 100% participation. That means that every family gives something. If each family donated $1, we would have a 100% participation rate which would help us show corporate sponsors that we have an active community. We will announce our zoo pass drawing recipient on Monday morning. Please consider a donation of any amount. Every bit helps and is put directly to use for science supplies, math programs, art and technology. We will announce the use of these funds at December’s exhibition night.

School pictures will be taken October 27-30. See 2014IASchoolPhotoTimes to determine your child’s day and time.
Outpost will be offering extended care the week of our Student Led Conferences (Mon- Thurs 10/13-10/16) starting at noon dismissal each day. There is no extra charge for families already enrolled and your pricing will stay the same but you will need to add your child to the “Conference Days Sign up” sheet next to the sign out binder. If you are not a currently enrolled family there will be a fixed flat rate charge for 4 days at $100 for the week. There are no hourly or daily options available. To enroll for the week see Candy at Outpost or email her at or go to Students are not allowed to freely wander the campus while waiting for a student lead conference.

Thanks for a great first run of our Friday BBQ Fundraiser with Chef Fred. It was so successful we ran out of food! This week 8th grade will work with the chef to offer a Hawaiian BBQ (chicken and pineapple kabobs with rice). Stay tuned for his new ordering website link out this week. Orders are still $4. Contact Lisa@innovationsacademy if you have questions.

Lost on campus: Black Webkinz stuffed cat named Whiskers. If found, please return to Alicia’s classroom 504.

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