Weekly News 5/11-5/17

For this and other information go to our website

Happy Mother’s Day. Mothering is a responsibility that we can never take lightly, It is the most important job anyone can do and we do it without pay because we do it for love. Thank you for all you do and gratitude to all of our children for improving our lives, making us stronger and wiser and helping us grow.

The staff of IA would like to appreciate all of the room mothers for helping put together a beautiful teacher appreciation luncheon. You help guide our program and IA wouldn’t be the same without your help.

If you missed the deadline for yearbooks and you still want one you have two options.
1) IA purchased a few extras. Contact Donna to find out if any are available for purchase.
2) See the After Deadline Flyer about how to purchase a yearbook and have it delivered to your home address.

If you have not completed the IA Survey, please do. I was hoping to have all responses by Friday, but the survey is still open. Hurry and participate. The information gathered from this survey will help us plan our program for next year.https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SSYMC5K

This week is Spirit Week. We will follow this schedule:

Monday: dress up in sport’s team uniforms

Tuesday: crazy hair day

Wednesday: 80’s day, Dress up in styles from the 1980’s

Thursday: dress like an animal day

Friday: Pajama Day

Thank you for checking the class digital portfolios this week for updated information. There are field trips you may need to know about.

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