Weekly News 4/27-5/3

Good Evening Innovations Families,

Today is the LAST DAY to order the Innovations Academy yearbook! The yearbook is $20.00 and includes 2 free customizable pages.The custom pages are optional, but if you do decide to customize your pages, they must also be completed by 11:59PM Pacific Time today.

Have you ever wanted to help your child with math in a more natural way? By this I mean not by helping with a worksheet of math problems but by actually doing math? There are some great resources offered by the CA Math Council to get you thinking about how to help your child.  They can be found at http://cmc-math.org/for-families/

You may have heard that Governor Brown has changed the way schools will be funded. Part of that transformation involves each school creating a Local Control Accountability Plan called the LCAP. There will be two opportunities for you to give feedback and receive information this week.

1) A survey, to be filled out and returned to the classroom teacher. That survey will go out this week.

2) the opportunity to attend a meeting this Wednesday. You are welcome to attend at 2:30 or 5:00 p.m. At this meeting, we will be discussing the strengths and challenges of I.A. and our goals for moving forward.I hope you can come.

A huge thank you to the participants of the garden build on Saturday. The garden shed now has a roof and your participation made this happen. A special appreciation to Beth, our sustainability and community coordinator, for all that she has done to make this happen. What would we do without Beth?


Thank you and have a great week!

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