Weekly News 3/23 – 3/30


Good Evening Innovations Families,

By far the most important news this week is the reminder that this Thursday, March 27th is our second and last exhibition this year. Our last event will be presentations of learning (POL) at the very end of the year.

At Exhibition Night, this Thursday, you will have the opportunity to see how deep learning takes place in a project based school. You will view published books, presentations and student generated media about a wide range of topics. You can ask our students questions and explore information you may not even know. Please be a participant for ALL of our classrooms and grade levels. Roam the campus and visit the depth and breadth of learning you may not see at many other K-8 campuses. Our students and teachers have put a lot of work into these projects. Invite friends and family that may not understand what we are about.

NOTE: At Exhibition night our 4/5 grade classes will be selling pizza dinners to raise money for the water project, some classes will have scheduled presentations so come early and don’t miss out. Our garden is raising funds via a Pampered Chef Fundraiser.  See you then.

The 3rd Annual IA Family Dance is coming up on April 11, right after spring break.  Check your child’s backpack on Monday for a registration form or visit our website to download a copy.  Volunteers are needed to help set up, serve food, work the raffle and auction tables, and clean up.  We are very grateful that several parents added their names to the volunteer list at Exhibition Night in December, but unfortunately that list has been misplaced so we need you to contact the parents association again if you are able to volunteer.  Please e-mail IAParents@innovationsacademy.org if you can help make this event a success! Tickets can be purchased online by clicking on“payments “ at the top of the home page. For more information, see the  2014 IA Family Dance form

SDGE is having a parent workshop to inform parents about STEM careers. Meet experts from the workforce and education community who will answer your questions about STEM and a quality STEM education. SD STEM Pathways  flyer for details about this April 9th event.

Spring break is next week. Please note that our teachers have a professional development day scheduled on Monday, April 7th  (NO SCHOOL) and there will be no school for students. We thank you for your support of these collaborative days which allow IA teachers the time to plan, organize and collaborate together.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

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