Weekly News 3/3 – 3/8

For this and other information go to our website

This Weds. March 5th our enrichment teacher, Summer, from Dance Force will be leading line dancing on the playground at lunch. This is a fun activity that all can join.

For parents of 8th graders, if you missed the MANDATORY and super important meeting for all 8th grade parents, there will be a last chance opportunity tomorrow at 3:30 in room 509. This is not an optional meeting and all must attend. Please contact Lisa@innovationsacademy for more details.

The next IA Garden Work Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th from 10:30-2 p.m. We will plant, construct a toolshed and shape the landscape of the garden. Contact Beth@innovationsacademy.org for more information. See you then.

IA is proud to sponsor an ADHD Wellness Workshop for parents given by Dr. Greatchen Pound on 5:30-7 on Wednesday, March 12th. Dr. Pound is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Ayurveda Health Counselor. This workshop is designed to help people with ADHD reach their true potential. You will leave with an understanding of the brain functions that contribute to ADHD, how you can support your child to be successful and alternatives to medication. For more info see the flier attached to the email or on our website.

FundraisingPledge Drive Results. Thanks to all who participated in our October Pledge Drive. Your participation helped IA in the following way:

$6170.00 was spent on desktops and laptops

$1025.00 was spent on video cameras and digital cameras

$965.00 was spent on getting our pottery program up and running (it has recently launched)

$1075.00 was spent for PE equipment

$2700.00 is for Science materials and Foss kits

Our dance will be on April 11th. Save the date.

The Lost and Found was supposed to be taken to a thrift store on Friday but due to heavy rains we left it until tomorrow morning. If you are missing something, please look before school tomorrow. It will be gone some time in the morning.

It is important to educate ourselves about learning, teaching and parenting. Help your child be more successful in ife. Learn about the inverse power of praise in this article: How Not to Talk to Your Kids.


You will be more informed about your child’s class when you read the class digital portfolios. Take 5 minutes now to go to our website and click the tab for Class Digital Portfolios.

Thank you for listening and have a great week!

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