Weekly News 11/12- 11/15

8th grade trip
The $75 payment for the 8th grade end of the year field trip is due. Please send this in to Lisa this week.

 Interested in Girl Scouts?
There will be another girl scout interest meeting with Joselyn this  Wed 11/13 at 3:45. IF you have a daughter that is interested in being a Daisy, Brownie or Junior, you are welcome. Please contact Beth@innovationsacademy.org for more info.

 Make up photos
Tomorrow is the day for makeup photos. If your child needs make up photos, please be sure you send your child prepared and let the office know of any special circumstances.

IA is a registered school on DonorNation, a fundraising site where percentages of purchases go to our school.  Every time we shop at www.DonorNation.org, our school will receive a percentage of the sales proceeds.  Current offers include:

•       half price La Jolla Playhouse tickets ($65/pair) and 100% of the net proceeds will go to IA

•       2 night stay plus 2 breakfasts at the Sheraton Mission Valley for $200 and 100% goes to IA

•       SDSU Aztec Basketball tickets, parking and VIP lounge access for $45-100/ticket and 100% goes to IA

Absences Count
As we come into the holiday season, please be reminded that attendance counts for our funding throughout the year. Each absence costs our school money unless you fill out a short term independent study form. Please see the front office for all absences this year.

 Project Based Learning Information
I wish for all parents of children attending Project Based Learning Schools to have all of the information they need to exist in a paradigm that conflicts with the testing emphasis that exists in our current society. Here is the link to an article that is brief enough to read and informative enough to be worth the time. It is for teachers, but has great information.


And finally, please check our calendar online for scheduled events.


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