
  • Christine

    Administration, Director

    I am the proud mother of four marvelous children. Three of my children have attended I.A. and the other has worked here. Three are now  beyond college, and my youngest has jumped right into college during COVID times.

    I homeschooled my children for 16 years, organized multiple homeschool fairs, founded and ran a homeschooling cooperative and website. I have lived in Mexico and Costa Rica and speak Spanish fluently. I love to read, listen to music, mountain bike, travel and spend as much time as possible with my family.

    I am very interested in improving the world by supporting, building and creating interest based learning environments.  If you ever have any thoughts on this topic, stop by my office for a chat. I am always excited about continuing to build this creation and seeing how far we can stretch our hearts and our imaginations. I expect the journey to be unforgettable.

  • Devon

    Administration, Assistant Director

    I was born in the beautiful Napa Valley where I was raised by a teacher. I always swore I would never follow in my mother’s footsteps, but look at me now! My dog Daisy and I love to hang around school and get to know the kids. In the summers, I enjoy teaching a cooking camp.

    Growing up, I was incredibly athletic and played any sport I could. I still love to get out there in PE with the kids if I can! I have always loved bringing my own passions into my classroom. Connecting with kids and finding common experiences is something I strive for and get excited to do!

    This year, I will be returning to the admin team. I am excited to rejoin the amazing team we have in the front office and continue to support our students, staff and families as best as I can. I have loved teaching 5th, 8th and 7th grade over the years and look forward to continuing to be involved in the middle school grades. This will be my 10th year at IA, and my 12th year in education and cannot imagine being anywhere else. I am happy to say that I’ve found my home and am excited to share my passion for teaching with the families that are a part of our community.

  • Tami

    Administration, Front Office/Attendance Clerk

    I am the mom of three wonderful sons who are all grown up and trying to figure out life as adults. I am very excited to start my 8th year at IA! I love the philosophy of the school and I love the staff I get to work with. Most of all, I love the students and families I get to interact with on a daily basis. I had a son who went to Innovations and I love what IA did for him academically and social-emotionally. Before I started working at IA, I taught preschool from my home for 21 years. In my free time I love hanging out with my family, going to the beach, traveling and doing puzzles. Come by and see me anytime you are on campus as I love to chat and get to know our students and families!

  • Tina

    Administration, Office Clerk

    I am Tina McGinnis. I work in the office assisting students and parents. I have worked at Innovations Academy since the school started in September of 2008. I previously homeschooled my two sons. My son Noah attended Innovations Academy since the school opened. He  graduated from eighth grade and attended Health Sciences High and Middle College. I have seen him grow at I.A. from a non writer with weak math skills to a confident writer, speaker and math student.

  • Lisa

    Administration, Special Education Administrator

    Hi my name is Lisa Smith and I am the Director of special education at Innovations Academy. This is going on my 11th year and I am happy to be returning for another year. I am the mother of 2 girls. One daughter has begun her career and my other daughter is off to her first year of college.  I have a bachelors degree in history from CAL, bachelors degree in Early Childhood development and masters degree in special education. I am also a dyslexia trained therapist.

    I am excited to lead a team of special education experts to best support our students and families through their educational journey and focus on their strengths while supporting where they need intervention. I believe through mutual respect and relationships we can build strong education plans for students.

    “Reading is like breathing in, Writing is like breathing out” -Pam Allyn

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