Weekly News 4/10-4/16

Good Evening Innovations Families,

Welcome to another week of meaningful learning. Much of the information in this call entails following a link for more information. These links are always in the email sent to you as well as on our website under the NEWS tab. We also try to share them on our FB page: Innovations Academy Charter School

Our 5th graders in the Spotlight
First up: Innovations 5th graders were mentioned in an innovative teaching article. Read all about it here


State Mandated Testing
State testing is upon us. Our testing window is from April 11-May 27. I will remind you here that the true purpose of this state mandated test is for funding. It is not a good measurement of student progress or skills as it is a snapshot, a moment in time captured of how the student performed on a test on a given day.

Here is a link you can use to review the types of questions and/or practice them with your child

Attempted Kidnapping in SR
There was an attempted kidnapping last week in SR. It is always important to review with your children how to react if confronted. Here is a link to information that may help you.

SB 277 Follow Up
Many of you have come to us with concerns about SB 277. I have been following it closely as it brings up issues about parental rights as well as special needs students, homeschooling and informed consent. Litigation has begun and you can find out more here https://www.gofundme.com/sb277lawsuit

We have been visited several times this year by other schools who are seeking to learn how constructivist education and social emotional learning work to create deep, rich learning for students. Your children are often asked questions about what they are doing and why. I am always so proud about how much they can speak to their own experiences. We all should be proud.

Have a lovely week.

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