Weekly News 3/6-3/12

I hope you relaxed today allowing the rain to clean the slate so you can begin a new week fresh and ready.

Parenting: The BEST job ever! Too bad we have to make moneyJ
If you are someone that wonders why we chose to create a school without punishments and rewards, you might get some answers in this article by Janet Lansbury (http://www.janetlansbury.com/) explaining why she chose the same.  Concise and practical, I hope it inspires you.

If you are still parenting with a reliance on control of your children (getting them to do what you want using rewards (money, computer time, use of cell phone, sweets and other extra stuff) and/or punishments (losing t.v. time, cell phone use, video game time, special trips to the park etc)), you  may be interested in a course for respectful parenting, here are some options:

Positive Discipline Courses
P.E.T local courses
Redirecting Children’s Behavior Courses

Your Help Needed Soldering
The 8th grade class is completing some electronic projects that need to be soldered. They are looking for 11 adults who can solder on

Tuesday, March 8th 10:30-12:30 and/or Wednesday, March 9th 1:30-3:30
If you can help, please email Tony@innovationsacademy.org

Girl Scout Cookies
If your child is a girlscout and would like to have sell cookies on campus before or after school, please email Christine@innovationsacademy.org the day of the week you would like to sell. If you are a purchaser of Girl Scout cookies, please know that girls will be selling sporadically on campus over the next two weeks. Cookies are $5 per box. Thank you for supporting our girl scouts.

San Diego Padres youth baseball camp program will host a series of summer baseball camps throughout the San Diego area. One of the camps is this summer at Hourglass Community Park from 7/18-7/22 and welcome your students to attend.

Other Info
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a leading cause of death in youth under 25 and the #1 killer of student athletes. There are free teen screenings on Sunday, April 3 at Westview High School. For more info and registration, visitEPSaveALife.org.

Earned Income Tax Credit, take advantage…
Are you aware of the California Earned Income Tax Credit EITC? It is new and you may qualify for the credit and free tax help. Click here for more info.


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