Weekly News 3/13/16-3/19/16

Good Evening Innovations Families

Thank you, Volunteers
First, thank you to all IA volunteers. Last week volunteers helped students solder electronics projects, served lunch, transported students on field study experiences,  cleaned up classrooms, supported students learning to read, sought grants for school vans and more. Volunteers make our school stronger and keep programs alive.

Lunch volunteers Needed
The IA lunch program NEEDS parent volunteers to help serve lunches. If you would like more information or would like to be included in our sign up sheet, please contact Kiersten by email. kiersten@innovationsacademy.org

Innovations Academy Exhibition
Mark your calendars. We expect 100% attendance. This is the chance to see the quality project work your child is doing at school. March 24, 5-7:30 p.m.

Would your child wish to participate in the Shakespeare Festival?
Every year our HLC program participates in the Shakespeare festival in Balboa park. This year we would like to make this available to our full time students. The festival is on April 30th and students will have the opportunity to perform in duos or small groups presenting a short piece. Students would rehearse during lunch times and must be registered by April 1st.   If your student is interested or you would like more information please contact natasha@innovationsacademy.org.”

Strong Parent-Teacher Teambuilding
At Innovations Academy we take our mission and vision very seriously. Our staff is dedicating their time to a school in which students learn that mistakes are opportunities to learn and where solution focused efforts are non-stop. Problem solving, not punishments or rewards are in place all day, every day. We will be sending a separate email dedicated to improving our program by educating our community about what happens when parents punish or reward at home for SCHOOL BASED behaviors. Please take to heart and reflection the information that we share with you.  We always welcome feedback of any kind, so if you are challenged by this, contact Jennifer our counselor at Jenniferiasc@innovationsacademy.org or Christine@innovationsacademy.org

Learn Problem Solving Strategies for Parenting
Learn to problem solve with your children and learn great strategies. Wednesdays from March through June 9-11 am at Chabad Hebrew Academy on Pomerado Rd. For more information go to www.respectfulparent.com or call 619-300-8547.

Cody’s Keyboard Club is offering one free lesson for students on Saturday, March 26. There are ten half-hour slots from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. This free lesson is for students who are interested in enrolling in one of the 8-week sessions, there are openings on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. This class is designed for all ages and all levels of musical abilities. Keyboards and headsets are provided by IA. For more information please contact Cody Myers 619-861- 4548

www.CodysKeyboardClub.com  or see attached flyer.

If you still have donations of dried up markers, toiletries or baby carriers, please bring them to the front office and we will make sure they get where they need to go. Thank you for your generosity.

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