Weekly News 10/21 – 10/25

Please support your school

I would like to start this call with a personal request to each of you to support our pledge drive. I love our school and what we stand for and I care about each and every one of your children. I believe we have a population of families that believes what we offer is important as well, I am asking for evidence to support this claim. I want all of you to know it, I want the Parent Association to know it, I want the district to know it and I want potential grantors to know it. We care.

I have asked that Kim extend the pledge drive for one week because to date only 48 families out of 250 have taken the time to donate or write a letter. It’s not about the money. It is about taking the time to communicate and participate. I don’t care how much you give, I just truly want to know that you care enough to make an effort to take action.

Please do this now:

Please find an envelope right now and write your children’s names on the outside. If you can’t donate anything, just enclose a small note stating that you care about the school but can not donate at this time.  If you can donate, add $1 to that envelope or any amount that you choose. I believe that we all care about Innovations Academy enough to support this drive with a show of solidarity.

Spooky Family Math Night

Next, a reminder about Spooky Math Night at Innovations Academy, tomorrow night, Oct 21  from 5:30-7:30. Wear your costumes and join us for math games, food and fun.  Hope to see you there!

Family Dance Committee
The IA Family Dance & Raffle has officially been scheduled for Friday, April 11, 2014.  The first meeting of the Dance Planning Committee will be held next week on Tuesday, Oct. 29.  Not sure of the time so..  If you’re interested in volunteering, please e-mailIAParents@innovationsacademy.org.

Thanks for the Scouts

Cubscout Packs 625 and 1209 extend their appreciation to the community for supporting them in their sales of popcorn for their annual fundraising campaign.

Missing Ipad
One of our students is missing an ipad that was left on campus by accident. If you happen to come across an extra ipad, please return it to the front office.

No More STAR Testing

Have you heard about the legislative action taken to eliminate the standardized testing program as we have known it?

On October 2, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 484, implementing the new assessment program for California. The new law suspends the majority of the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) assessments for the 2013-14 school year.  The only STAR tests that will be administered this year are the science tests at grades 5, 8, the CAPA (alternative test for some special education students) at grades 2 – 11.  The STAR Writing tests for grades 4 and 7 and all other STAR ELA and Math tests (grades 2-8) have been eliminated. This year our students will take part in  field tests of the Smarter Balanced assessments (the new testing system that will phase in gradually) in Spring 2014.  These field tests will serve as “tests of the tests” so no scores will be produced or reported for any student in California.  Each student will either take the Math or the ELA field test. For more info go to the CDE website  http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sa/smarterftqa.asp


Families for Depression Awareness is presenting a free, one-hour webinar about Teen Depression on Wednesday, November 13 at 4 PM Eastern/1 PM Pacific.

People who attend the webinar and complete the online evaluation form will receive two free publications from Families for Depression Awareness, the Depression and Bipolar Wellness Guide for Parents and the Depression and Bipolar Wellness Guide for Teens. to register at www.familyaware.org/trainings


School Photos

A second reminder that school photos will take place next week, Oct 28, 29, 30



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