Weekly News 5/17-5/23

In the News
Did you see our students on channel 10 news? Take a look at our FB page if you missed it.  Our program has received a lot of attention. This school year we have been visited by City Councilman Mark Kiersey, County Supervisor Dave Roberts, various news stations several times and school representatives looking at models for quality learning. We are glad you are part of our experience. Thank you for trusting your children to us.

Rise and shine for a Gourmet Pancake Breakfast! 
 Join the rest of the school and parents for a couple of fun and mouth-watering pancake breakfasts The first is on Thurs, May 28 and the other on Fri, May 29th. Both will be offered in the morning before school.  Mark your calendars and come early.  More details will be in next week’s call. Hope to see you there!  Proceeds to benefit Emily’s 5th grade class.

Are You Returning?
Please stay aware that our funding stability depends on honest communication with you. If you know you may be leaving our school for any reason next year, including remote possibilities, please let us know. We have waitlists right now and are turning folks away. I would like to let them know there is a chance for their child if yours is potentially leaving. Please be honest with us.

Testing Continues
This is the last week of state mandated computer based assessments. Many students will be making up missed tests and classes finishing the required tests. Please be extra considerate and get to school on time and every day.

Support Us Without Giving a Penny
Buying flowers? pet supplies?  ever use Amazon.com? Sign up with igive and IA gets a percentage. If you ever shop online it is worth taking a minute to go through the sign up process now. It is quick and easy. http://www.iGive.com/Innovations   Hundreds of online stores are registered so if you make online purchases, please check this out.

SB277 Again and Urgent
And finally, I have shared about SB277 which will take away parental right to informed medical consent for their children by forbidding public education access to those who are not fully vaccinated. This is moving fast towards being approved. I am concerned about this bill for many reasons but the two most important are the rights of families to decide medical care for their children and that I do not think that schools should be policing families for the medical establishment and denying the right to a free public education to anyone. If you care at all about these issues, please take a look at this site (http://www.sb277.org/)  and exercise your democratic right to lobby your representatives., whatever your stance.

Thanks and have a great week.

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