Weekly News 5/28-6/2

Tomorrow is a holiday in honor of Memorial Day,  a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America.  There will be no school. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Our 8th grade graduation ceremony will be held on June 9th at Innovations Academy. See the teacher emails for more information.

The last day of school is Friday, June 9th. It is a minimum day so pick up will be at 12:30.

Presentations of Learning are taking place. If you have not connected with your child’s teacher about POLs then please do so today.

Parent volunteers are vital to the successful operation of our school and we could not do the majority of the activities we do, without you! Whether you drove on a field trip, worked with students in the classroom,  helped clean up after a play or anything else to help, we would like to celebrate and thank you at our Volunteer Breakfast!

“Volunteer Thank You Breakfast”
Thursday, June 1st from 8:45-10:00am. 

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to donna@innovationsacademy.org by Tuesday, May 30, 2017.

Pizza Friday
This Friday will be our last Pizza Friday. Please place your order by Thursday night.

At Innovations Academy we practice mindfulness twice daily. Mindfulness is a practice in which we focus our awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting our feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It helps calm and control our brains to support learning and living.  Here is an article that was found by one of our teachers that may help you understand the benefits to the brain article / vid here

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